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The First Malphia Honwane Annual Games

11 Feb 2020 | By Author Thornybush | Community Projects

Thornybush assisted Malphia Honwane, a local community member, in his vision of creating a little year end fun! The Malphia Honwane Annual Games was held in the community of Gottenburg in Manyeleti and was supported by Inzalo Community Projects.

The aim of the initiative was to encourage healthy living, exercising and the fostering of social cohesion amongst the different neighbouring communities. At Thornybush, we encourage projects that build up our local communities and were happy to take part in this amazing initiative.

A total of eight teams took part in the soccer tournament, with two of the teams being an all woman’s team.

The Value of Sports

The value of sport to local government and communities extends beyond sport for sport’s sake. It can play a role in bringing communities together, having a social and cultural impact, developing social capital and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

Regular involvement in sport can benefit individuals and communities and contribute to a range of positive outcomes including:

  • An increased participation of locals as volunteers in community life
  • Giving local people a greater voice and influence over decisions that impact their communities
  • Creating a more cohesive, tolerant and inclusive community that values diversity
  • Building more sustainable communities with local pride and a sense of place
  • Getting the youth more involved within the community
  • An increase in culture of respect and tolerance among young people
  • Creating a more active, social and healthy community

 Support from Local Businesses

Bango, the Thornybush Community Co-ordinator, was able to drum up some support with some local Hoedspruit businesses, Hoedspruit Oasis in particular. Oasis sponsored water and orange justice for the players and spectators on what turned out to be a sweltering day. A huge thanks goes out to local businesses who support our initiatives.

We look forward to continued partnership with the Malphia Honwane Annual Games and bringing together our local communities.